Saturday, October 8, 2011

Welcome to my humble internet abode...

Greetings, and welcome to Ramblings of the Guitarman. True to its name, this blog is the home to the random thoughts of a guitarist. However, I plan for this to be more than just a dumping site on the net for some random individual's sappy life stories. Simply put, I have established this blog with the intention of sharing my knowledge, opinions, and experiences with those inclined to hear something interesting. My goal is to constantly be expanding my horizons, discovering new things everywhere I go. This blog is my way of sharing these discoveries with those who, like me, are always looking for something new, old, interesting, or just different. Although this blog will primarily be music-centered, expect to find occasional posts on topics ranging from politics to philosophy. I'm very excited about sharing my thoughts and findings with all of you, and I hope to be hearing from all of you soon.
