Well, it's been a while since I posted something new, so here goes. This is the last artist from that music dump I promised but that never really materialized. This time, it's one hell of a misnomer.
Brad Sucks (name of the band, not my opinion) is a bit of an oddity. From listening to them, one could hardly guess that the "band" consists of one man who is responsible for all the songwriting, lyrics, performance and recording. That's pretty freaking impressive in and of itself, but Brad Sucks has value beyond the novelty afforded it by its lack of other members. Stylistically, the band creates a strange hybrid of indie rock, electronica, and punk that in my opinion actually works quite well. The lyrics are one of the strong points here, with their sly wit and self-depreciating humor. The only flaw to be found is with the recording quality of the first album. When played at a decent volume, the treble from the distorted guitars on tracks like "Bad Attraction" can quickly induce rather severe headaches. That being said, that track I mentioned is still one of my favorites. Headaches alone can't stop me from listening to music of such high quality.
It is worth noting that all music by Brad Sucks, including the individual instrument tracks from his recordings, is available from his website free of charge. Here's a link: http://www.bradsucks.net/