It's been a while since I've posted anything, and I believe I owe all of you an explanation. Here it is.
I've been rather busy lately completing my Eagle project and filling out pile after pile of paperwork. Today, however, marks the beginning of the end. My paperwork is complete and has been sent off to be reviewed. I put the last four nails and four screws in my project to hold up the plaques you see here. The next step for me is to schedule a board of review, plan my court of honor, and receive the rank of Eagle scout. It's all smooth sailing from here.

For my Eagle project, I remodeled a community bulletin board and installed a rock garden for the Tracyton Community Library. The existing bulletin board had no form of weather protection, causing everything posted on it to fade from exposure to the elements. Also, the board itself had a hard surface that was extremely difficult to put papers on. I added a layer of cork to make it easier to use, as well as a weatherproof frame. As for the rock garden, I installed it to replace a planter box filled completely with overgrown vines and weeds. The project took a combined 165 hours of labor and about $290, but I must say it looks fantastic! I have plenty of other pictures of before, during, and after the project which might interest you.
Here's how the garden looked before the project. Simply put, the Tracyton Community Library just didn't have the time needed to maintain it. Those weeds did NOT come out easily! |
Here's the bulletin board. It was actually someone else's Eagle project, but it was in need of some upgrading which I was happy to provide. |
Here's a closeup shot of the bulletin board. Let me tell you, those staples were a royal pain to remove. Not only were there staples, we even found that nails had been used to put up flyers. Nails! |
The actual construction of the wood and acrylic frame used to renovate the bulletin board took place in my garage. My dad and I both killed our knees working on it, but it was worth it in the end. |
This was taken on December 29th, project day. Here we have people removing the existing plants from the planter box. |
On the day of the project, I had more volunteers than I knew what to do with. In addition to filling every inch of available space in this photo, there is also a group of scouts around the corner of the building who weren't even doing anything because we had more people than jobs. It was amazing. This picture was of scouts moving the rock into the garden itself. |
Too many friggin' staples. This group of scouts was tasked with removing anything sharp from the board so we could put a layer of cork up. It was tedious work. |
Here we have way more people than were actually needed helping to attach the wood and acrylic frame to the existing bulletin board. By this point, we had already put up the cork. |
Here I am next to the completed project. We finished far faster than I had anticipated. As a result, I didn't even need to provide lunch. |
So many volunteers! |
Thanks for indulging me as I rambled on and on about the project. It's just kind of hard to stop myself when I get started! XD
Oh, and I should have a music related post up before the end of the month.
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