Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Singletons

First things first, I've embedded an automatic music player to ROTGM. That way, each time you visit here, you will immediately hear the band I highlighted last. Cheers!


It's been more than a week since I've last posted, and my backlog of music to post on ROTGM has gotten rather lengthy. To counter this, I have decided to try to make sure I'm posting AT LEAST once per week, if not more. If things go well, I may be able to keep this up all summer long. So, without further ado, here's some music!

The Singletons are a four man band from Barcelona, Spain which claims on their website to be "now with a 100% more of rock". While that statement is undeniably grammatically flawed, the message is arguably correct. The Singletons offer little in the way of innovations, instead clinging to British influenced garage rock, but they make up for it with the energy and heart that makes garage rock so much fun when done right. They may not be original, but they sure do rock. Before I forget, the lyrics are in English not Spanish. I just wanted to clarify that for those who are picky about such things.

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