Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I'm baaaaaaaaack. With free stuff. Again.

Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything. Life has kept me pretty busy lately, what with school projects, teaching myself Japanese for no legitimate reason, working on my eagle project, and fundraising for my third mission trip to Guatemala. Needless to say, I'm glad that school is canceled today as a result of heavy snow. I now actually have time to post more stuff. Huzzah. Anyways, on with the free stuff:

This is without a doubt one of the greatest free album I have ever encountered. That's saying something, because I sift through quite a lot of the stuff. Hailing from Sweden, Machinae Supremacy incorporates a SidStation into heavy metal music. A SidStation is a type of musical synthesizer sound module which uses SID chips from the ancient Commodore 64 computer's sound system. Basically, it's a device for making chiptune music. This seems like an oddball choice for a metal band, but it fits in seamlessly with the band's sound. Machinae Supremacy's latest work, Rise of a Digital Nation, was featured by the band on The Pirate Bay. For those of you who don't know, The Pirate Bay is a controversial Swedish website which is a notorious den of internet piracy. That's a rather bold move, to officially release your latest album on one of the most well-known centers of illegal activity on the internet. Whatever floats their boat, I suppose. Anyways, head over to The Pirate Bay to pick up this album. And while you're there, PLEASE don't pirate anything. I don't want to condone that sort of behavior, and don't want to be dragged into a court of law over something like that. Don't get me in trouble people! XD

Anyways, here's the album webpage:
Here's the band's webpage:
Here's the webpage for SidStations:

I'll post again soon this time. I promise.

Guitarman, out.

PS: I have no idea how to embed a Soundcloud player that starts automatically, so I've left up the previous Radio of the Guitarman album. Sorry about that, but it shouldn't be too much of an inconvenience.

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